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Gentlemen, I have pleasure in presenting to you the statement of accounts for the Club for year ending 31.12.23, together with a forecast of our activity for 2024. The accounts have not yet been examined independently, but I expect no changes between now and when I hand the books over for examination. I anticipate this occurring during January.

The Club incurred a very small deficit of £69.66 on its activities during the year just ended. In view of the rising costs we faced, I think this is a very satisfactory outcome. The figure is also distorted by the fact that half of our meeting costs for the previous year were not charged until last year. If these costs had come through in the correct year, we would have achieved a surplus of £470.34. 

Apart from the issue around our meeting costs, other key figures for the year included:

•    Speakers’ costs rose £87.30 on 2022; our 17 external speakers costing £1047.30, an average of just under £62.00. For 2024 I have increased this to £65.00, and assumed we will once again have 17 external speakers, with club members filing any gaps in the programme.
•    Our social events produced a surplus of £264.08. I have continued to set a breakeven outcome for social events in the next year.
•    Membership fee income rose £467 from the previous year due to our ongoing campaign to increase numbers. This is a very satisfying outcome.

Looking to the coming year, we face an increase in our meeting costs. The Swan will be charging £55.00 per meeting, a rise of £10.00. Whilst this may seem excessive in percentage terms, I suggest that the hire of a meeting room for two hours together with coffee and biscuits for around 20 people for £55.00 still represents good value and could not be achieved elsewhere in Moreton. This year we will also face renewal of our registration and maintenance fees for the club’s website. I have estimated this at c. £300.00; this will give us a further three years of use.

In past years I have emphasised that our subscription fee is the only way we cover our ongoing costs. Whilst this would always be my guideline, I am proposing that we maintain a fee of £78.00 for the coming year. This will be the third year in a row that we have had this level of fee, and I think it reflects well on the efforts of all the members whose activities affect our costs that I feel comfortable recommending this figure. Whilst it will produce a net deficit at the end of 2024, I believe our total club funds are sufficient to withstand it. In the oft-quoted words of my late predecessor, “we are solvent”, and will remain so with a sensibly-sized balance of c. £1800.00 in our accounts.  

Alan Hartridge

January 2024


2022                                                                         2023    2024 Forecast
£            £     
2,067.00        Members' Subscriptions    2,534.50    2,652.0

5.63                           Other Income              18.38    20.00
6,539.65                        Social Events            6,287.90    6,500.00
8,612.28                        Total Income              8,840.78    9,172.00
960.00                 Speakers' Fees                      1,047.30    1,105.00
540.00                 Meeting Costs                      1,530.00    1,155.00
223.49                       Administration                194.05    500.00
71.92                                  Insurance                75.27    78.00
0.00                                         Gifts                    40.00    40.00
6209.26                                  Events                   6023.82    6,500.00
8,004.67              Total Expenditure                  8,910.44    9,378.00
          607.61        Surplus / Deficit for the year  -69.66    -206.00
        1,500.50        Balance Brought Forward      2108.11    2,038.45
       2,108.11        Balance Carried Forward        2,038.45    1,832.45
       Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2023         
       Assets Held         
438.64            Deposit Account                                 457.02    477.00
1,669.47        Current Account                                    581.43    1,355.45
2,108.11                   Club funds                                     2,038.45    1,832.45
1,500.50        Balance Brought Forward    2,108.11    2,038.45
  607.61        Surplus / Deficit for the year    -69.66    -206.00
2,108.11        Balance Carried Forward    2,038.45    1,832.45


















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