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MONDAY 8th January 2024
DRAFT Minutes only; to be approved at the next AGM in January 2025

Annual General Meeting Held on 8th Jan 2024 at Swan Hotel

Our retiring chairman, Geoff Ashurst, welcomed members and wished everybody a Happy New Year.

He explained that this combined AGM and 1,086th ordinary meeting would be run, with a coffee break after the nomination of officers. This would allow time for discussions because we still have two vacancies for the committee, for Social Secretary and Deputy Social Secretary.

Apologies: There were 18 members present and no guests. Apologies were received from:

Rev’d Andrew Dow,Chris Evans, Thomas Fawcett, Alan Hartridge, Mike Stanton, Roger Thomas and Robert Youdell in addition to ‘standing’ apologies from David Bell, Bob Eastoe, Mike Prior, Michael Pudell.

Report by 50th Chairman – Geoff Ashurst;

Well gentlemen, this is the last time I will be ‘boring’ I mean speaking to you as your chairman. I have thoroughly enjoyed my year and would like to thank you the committee, Ramon, here our Secretary and Chris Evans, his deputy. Alan, our Treasurer and John Fletcher, here, his Deputy. Mike Bunston and Ivor Francis, Our Speaker finder and his Deputy. Richard Harrison our Social Secretary, Robert Holland the Membership Secretary and not forgetting my Deputy Roger Thomas and most important of all you, the members, for all of your support and understanding of what one member said to me recently, was my quirky style (I don’t know if I should feel pleased or offended by that description).

12 months ago I set out my stall to improve membership numbers. Actually it had started some months earlier when I had promoted the idea of a Membership Secretary for the club. Robert Holland quickly stepped up to the plate, firstly producing this fine pamphlet which with the help of members was posted through almost every letter box in Moreton, thereby raising the profile of the Club. Robert then went onto promote, cajole and often downright threaten people to join Probus. I am pleased to report that our membership has increased by over 40% (from 24 to 35 members). I think we, as a Club, owe Robert a debt of gratitude for all his efforts.

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Once again, thank you for putting up with me. I am now looking forward to relaxing on the benches (that should be beaches) and wish Roger all the very best for a speedy recovery and a very successful year ahead.

Report by Speaker Finder – Mike Bunston & Ivor Francis (2024)
We had 19 speakers during the year, which included two of our Members (Andrew

Dow & Mike Rees.)

The talks were wide ranging from Military operations to Historical Events, true life stories, a Royal Footman, antiques and comedy. All were well received.

I will be handing over to Ivor Francis who takes on the mantle of Speaker Finder and I wish him every success.

Ivor Francis then provided an update on his planning of the programme for 2024. As our first meeting in November will be on 11th November this year, Ivor asked if the club wanted to mark the date in any special way. John Fletcher suggested members might like to join the commemoration at the memorial that morning.

Mike Rees asked if the club had a limit for the amount paid to each speaker. Mike Bunston said that he never paid more than around £80 including expenses. Tom Gowans noted that a potential speaker requested £120 a couple of years ago, and they were not invited.

Report of Social Secretary – Richard Harrison.

The 2023 social calendar largely followed the format of previous years starting with a skittles night here at the Swan with a change from previous years in that we had buffet which worked well however we were let down again by the non-appearance of the “putter upper“.

There were three events held at the Manor House , the spring supper ,and the Chairmans tea party , these was followed in October by the Ladies lunch when we were able to provide a small present for the ladies which appeared to be well received.

All four events attracted an excellent attendance of 40+ members and partners

The Christmas Party remained at Broadwell village this year with a new caterer Susie Harris . Following on from last as last years event we held a raffle with during the lunch .This returned a small profit which we will again use to improve some of this coming years social events

Extra events for 2023 included a very well received trip to the tea museum in Banbury and what has become our annual trip to the Chipping Norton Pantomime both organised and hosted Mike Bunston .

It just remains for me to thank the members for their support to both Geoff and myself over the past six years.

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Report by Secretary – Ramon Gater

The job of club secretary is more than simply preparing agendas and writing minutes, the most visible parts of administering any club. It also involves a certain amount of thinking ahead and occasionally spotting areas of the admin in need of more, or possibly less, attention.

When I took over as club secretary in 2020, the job also included the role of membership secretary. I am pleased to say that our club now has a dedicated post of membership secretary, currently held by Robert Holland. He will be reporting on changes to membership this year and the way that he has been able to develop that new role. It has nevertheless been my pleasant duty to assist in the processing of 7 new member applications in 2023. The club also elected Chic Dempster as Honorary member during 2023.

There was an average attendance of 22 members at meetings in 2023, an increase on 17 during 2022. In 2020, members asked the Secretary to record the numbers staying for lunch at the Swan after meetings. On average more than 9 members stayed for lunch after meetings in 2023. In 2022 an average of 7 members stayed for lunch after meetings.

This was my final year as Club Secretary. It has been my joy and good luck to serve the club when we have had such an active committee and chairmen.

I have been very grateful to Chris Evans my deputy for standing in and taking minutes whenever I have been away. His willingness to be nominated as my successor is very much appreciated.

Report by Treasurer – John Fletcher deputising for Alan Hartridge;

Our finances remain in a healthy situation. Our largest bill in the year comes from the Swan Hotel, which nevertheless remains good value despite the irregular timing of some of their invoices. This year we will have to address a large bill from our website provider, for a further three years of hosting.

Our Treasurer proposed that our annual subscription for 2024 remained fixed as in the previous two years at £78. Members however proposed that it should be raised to £80 and this was accepted unanimously by a show of hands..

Report by Membership Secretary – Robert Holland

After a short speech describing the contribution made by David Bell to the club over many years, Robert proposed that David be made an Honorary Member of the club. Members agreed unanimously that David Bell be made an Honorary Member forthwith. David has been a member of our club since 1994 and was chairman in 2005.

Nomination and election of club officers;
Following a short coffee break, during which Geoff and Richard offered to continue in

their roles, members were asked to vote, en bloc, for the names in the table below;

 Chairman Roger Thomas

Deputy Chairman Ramon Gater

Secretary Chris Evans

Deputy Secretary Simon Jones

Treasurer Alan Hartridge

Deputy Treasurer John Fletcher

Webmaster Alan Hartridge

Deputy Webmaster John Fletcher

Speaker Finder Ivor Francis

Deputy Speaker Finder Mike Rees

Social Secretary Geoff Ashurst

Deputy social Secretary Richard Harrison

Membership Secretary Mike Bunston

dpeuty Membership Secretary Geoff Ashurst

With the permission of attendees, the retiring chairman and secretary stayed in position as Roger Thomas and Chris Evans both had Covid-19 and were not present. The vote of thanks to retiring committee members for all their hard work was therefore proposed from the floor of the meeting.

Date of next AGM;

Members agreed unanimously on 27th Jan 2025 as the provisional date for the next AGM.

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